NDIS supported holidays

NDIS Respite Care

Achieve your goals with the support of the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is implemented by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) for all qualified Australians living with a significant and permanent disability. The purpose of the NDIS is support these participants in order to live a better life and one element included in these supports include STA and MTA when deemed reasonable and necessary.

Amplify Travel NDIS holiday support

Amplify Travel work as your NDIS travel agent, we support participants with Short Term Accomodation with respite (STA) and Medium Term Accommodation (MTA), inclusive of activities, care support, equipment hire, consumables and where required, with meals too. Though we are NDIS Friendly, we ensure we work closely with you and your team and NDIS registered providers to qualify packages suitable and specific to you and your goals. 

Based on individual circumstances, each NDIS respite plan varies through support levels and requirements and as such, we recommend talking with your planner, LAC or support coordinator to establish where NDIS funding may cover your stay to ensure your goals are achieved and what your out of pocket expenses may be. 

NDIS travel goals

There are numerous reasons to travel away from home, but the most common include respite allowing a break from the participant and their regular support network including family and care support teams.

However, other purposes are more goal oriented including increasing independence, building relationships with family and friends, community participation, achieving a goal outlined in your plan, or accessing therapies not available in the normal place of living i.e. Doctors, OT’s, Exercise Physiologists, Podiatry and equipment trial specialists.

Amplify Travel NDIS holiday plan

Short Term Accommodation (STA)

Short Term Accommodation allows support for a participant who chooses to stay somewhere that is external from their daily living premise for a short period of time.

Typically STA NDIS stays are qualified if staying away from 1 night up to 14 nights. When STA is included in a participant’s plan, the participant is entitled to up to 28 nights per year. On occasion, longer stays will be considered if a participant has a goal to attend specialised therapies that are not available in or near their region of living and as such, require the need to travel away from their home. A good example is a participant who lives in Adelaide, but requires specialised support from a Neurophysics Therapist based on the Gold Coast for a 1-2 month period. 

To qualify for STA, packages generally require all inclusive expenses for staying away from home including but not limited to accommodation, assistance with self care / care support, equipment, consumables, community access activities and meals which all must be considered reasonable and necessary to achieve goals. On most occasions, to qualify for STA, accommodation and supports cannot be invoiced separately and must be submitted on a single invoice which Amplify can provide. 

NDIS holiday travel agent

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

Medium Term Accommodation is generally required when a participant is waiting to move into long term Accommodation / SDA or whilst waiting for home modifications.

Medium Term Accommodation is for stays between 14 days up to 90 days. Unlike STA, MTA can only be invoiced with accommodation separate from other daily living supports. MTA invoicing does not include day to day living costs like care support, equipment, food, internet, electricity and so on.